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CDC Ludhiana Alumni Association

As a beacon of excellence in dental education and practice, our association represents a global family of distinguished professionals, all of whom began their journey within the walls of the Christian Dental College Ludhiana. Our mission transcends mere networking; we are a dynamic community committed to fostering enduring connections, promoting professional growth, and leading initiatives that enrich dental education and healthcare. The association offers a platform for alumni to engage in continuous learning, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects that have a tangible impact on communities around the world. At the heart of our activities are the regular meet-ups and continuing education programs designed to support our members at every stage of their career. We also place a strong emphasis on mentorship, offering guidance and support to new graduates as they navigate the early stages of their professional lives, instilling in them the values of ethical practice and compassionate patient care. We are proud of the legacy of the Christian Dental College Ludhiana and are committed to upholding its standards of excellence. Our association is more than just an alumni network; it’s a community dedicated to making a difference, driven by a shared commitment to improving oral health and wellbeing across the globe. Join us as we continue to build on this legacy, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and service among our members. Whether you’re looking to reconnect with classmates, explore new professional opportunities, or contribute to our outreach efforts, the Christian Dental College Ludhiana Alumni Association is your home.

President: Dr. Abi M Thomas
Vice President: Dr. Ritu Jain
Secretary: Dr. Shaila
Joint Secretary: Dr. Joe Mathew Cherian
Treasurer: Dr. Rohit Sunny Mathew
Executive Members:
Dr. Bharat Suneja
Dr. Mebin George Mathew